Jonamac Orchard

This is my family’s new favorite apple orchard!

Look at those cute little apple pickers! :-)
Look at those cute little apple pickers!


*** #basicwhitegirl alert!!!! ***


Do you even know what that means!? No?!

Well…..Good thing you have me here to tell you….

It means apple and pumpkin EVERYTHING. (It also means football season. Which consequently means buffalo sauce and chili everything. In fall I tend to gain a few pounds to help me hibernate through the winter. Don’t tell anyone, but leggings have an elastic waist band and coordinate perfectly with flowy tops that hide said pounds. Shhh. Our secret.)

But back to my APPLE EVERYTHING state of mind…

I have a love for apple season that goes deep. Every fall, my mom and Grammy would make homemade applesauce with freshly-picked apples. In case you live under a rock, or perhaps were not as fortunate as I was growing up, that equals the BEST damn applesauce you have ever tasted. I will post the recipe for you. I promise. I just can’t post it yet, because that would be putting the cart before the horse. Before you make awesome applesauce you need some freshly-picked apples!

Where do you get those?

Ummmm…..Apple picking farms. Silly.

Going off the success of my “Good Cheap Fun” post I wrote at the beginning of the summer, I decided throwing some good cheap FALL fun your way was a good idea too. My first post of fall 2015 is below! 🙂




19412 Shabbona Road, Malta, IL

We went there this afternoon, and I have to tell you how much we loved it RIGHT NOW. This just can’t wait. We had so much fun. I’m serious.


20150914_155656It is adorable. Everything is so darn cute and clean. There literally was not a piece of hay out of place here. Right off the bat they have cute photo-ops set up just waiting for you to snap your daily Instagram photo! (Feel free to #jonamacorchard #applepicking #ilovefall to your little social media heart’s content!)

It really is good cheap fun here, because admission on weekdays is FREE. No joke. FREE. You just walk right on in, no questions asked. This includes all kinds of activities like:


rubber ducky racing,


tractor bike racing,


pretend tractor driving,

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playhouse exploring,


rope climbing and mini-maze maneuvering,

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old-school gaming,

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corn silo swimming,


and hay bale mountain climbing! Recap – all of that is FREE on weekdays.

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On weekday afternoons, you can add this awesome jumpy pillow and animal barn to all the free activities I already listed for $4.00 per child and $2.00 per adult. Children 2 and under are free with paid adult. I promise you will want to participate in the jumpy pillow because you are cool parents like us. Soooo $2.00 of fun is coming your way! Read more about the weekday after school special here.

If you visit on the weekend, you will have to pay admission. Don’t worry though – there is good news! The corn maze and tractor rides are only open on weekends and admission prices are actually pretty affordable. Jonamac even offers a family pass – $32.00 for a family of 4. Not bad considering what you pay at some other orchards and fall farms! Click here for more information about activities and admission prices.

There is also a pumpkin patch that was not open when we were there – It opens this weekend 9/26! Click here to find out more.

So now that you have had a crap-ton of fall fun on the farm, you need to get to work doing what you came to do: Go pick some apples!

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Before you venture into the orchard, stop by The Country Store or The Apple Hut to purchase your picking bags. There are no admission fees to the orchard, but you can only use the purchased bags to hold your apples. Don’t waste your time bringing your own sacks. Click here to find out more pricing and picking information.

I recommend checking the apple chart before heading out for the day to see what varieties are available for picking. You can also use the chart to decide which apple variety would be best for you, especially if you are unfamiliar with apple varieties. (Some are better for baking, some are better for snacking.) Check their Facebook page for updates as well.

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Once you are in the orchard, get picking! There are crates that the kids can stand on so that they can reach the tree branches. My girls loved it! You can have a freshly-picked apple for a snack while you pick. Clearly, my Emmy took full advantage of this offer. Yum.

A few other tidbits you might want to know….

This place is stroller friendly! (There are so many fall farms and festivals that aren’t, so when you find one that is, you hold that precious gem close to your heart until your kids can log their own Fitbit miles.) The farm grounds have well-maintained gravel paths connecting the attractions.

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The paths even run into the orchard! You can definitely feel confident bringing your stroller or wagon here. If you have a young family like me, it is worth noting that the bathroom situation is waaaaay better than other seasonal fall farms. You have a couple of options. They have  plenty of port-a-potties, complete with a hand washing station and hand sanitizer. There are also real, working bathrooms inside The Country Store. There are only a couple stalls, but if you just can’t handle port-a-potties with your kiddos then head over there!

20150914_160047While you are in The Country Store, check this cute board for upcoming events and browse the adorable fall decor, apple butter, apple donuts, apple pies, apple cider and APPLE WINE for sale. (I had you at wine, right?) Buy some. I have tasted it. DELICIOUS. Then go ahead and impulse buy lots of fall crap! I promise you won’t regret it. (You really did need a bunch of distressed signs and mason jars filled with cinnamon. Your house rocks now. I know. I just get you.)

20150914_15100320150914_155615 Stop by The Apple Cart, Kettle Corn Barn or The Country Store if you get hungry on the weekends, but head to The Country Store if it is a weekday. There is also a nice pavilion full of picnic tables, and plenty of grassy areas to spread out a blanket if you brought your own food. Even if you packed a picnic, you should still grab their apple donuts for dessert. Feel free to thank me for telling you to do that – because they are freaking amazing.

Give the drive a chance! Jonamac Orchard might look farther away on a map, but it was way more convenient for us to visit then some of the comparable orchards over the Indiana border. It is 10 minutes from DeKalb (GO HUSKIES!), and basically in the opposite direction of all the crappy traffic and road construction surrounding the city, burbs and Indiana border. It took an hour for us to get there, but I promise you that we didn’t see a break light the entire drive! So worth it!


Jonamac’s husky! NIUUUUU!

Now go visit Jonamac Orchard and tell me how much you loved it in the comments. We already have plans to go back, so see you all there!

Happy apple picking!

🙂 Kaitlyn

Good Cheap Getaway

I was scrolling through Facebook, and suddenly became overwhelmed with an envious realization:

My friends are all living out their vacation dreams.

My news feed and Instagram are constantly flooded with their fabulous vacay pics; including, but not limited to: selfies on a cliff, selfies on a beach, selfies on the Vegas strip, selfies in bikinis, selfies on top of a mountain, selfies with tropical cocktails….You get the picture. I think I would kill a man for a decent vacation. Let’s be real – Sipping cocktails at the poolside bar while the steel drums play looks equal to heaven from where I am currently standing.

Where exactly am I standing, you ask?

Oh, just knee-deep in a swamp of housework, yard work and apple juice. And no, the episode of Peppa Pig currently on TV is not creating a desirable ambiance. You don’t want to see any selfies of me right now. I promise.

I know that you are thinking, “You guys could go to Disney! Fun for the whole family! Blah blah blah.” I know this because people have told me these exact words.

Sure, let’s do “Disney on a Budget”!

Yup. That is actually a thing I tried. I got all excited because dropping a couple grand didn’t seem too bad when I was looking up all the activities we could do. In fact, these words maaaay have come out of my mouth: “It is breakfast with Queen Elsa of Arendelle for Christ’s sake! You can’t put a price on that!”  Don’t judge me. It’s Disney.

Then I started thinking…Avery’s going to end up whining about being too hot, thirsty, sweaty, hungry, tired, itchy – and my own personal favorite – “maybe even dying.” She pulls that crap on a trip to Target, so guiding her around 90-degree theme parks for a week didn’t look promising. Then I thought about Emmy having a meltdown in the line to the Dumbo ride – or really – anywhere on the Disney grounds, for any reason under the hot Florida sun. That kid is currently a ticking time bomb of endless meltdowns. I would be entering The Happiest Place on Earth with a grenade of toddler screams that could detonate at any moment. And you know what? I don’t know how to defuse that bomb. So F that. Sorry, Mickey!

Then I told myself that spending the money on a Disney trip is silly right now. They are too young to appreciate it, and we are too strapped to waste money on a vacation they won’t even remember. Obviously, being a stay-at-home mom means the word I hate more than any other word in the English language: BUDGET. Four people living on one paycheck per month is doable, but not always fun. I would love to hop on a plane to take my kids to a Disney dream vacation, but that crap isn’t happening anytime soon. If I get my thousands of dollars worth of fun out of that place, it definitely isn’t going to be with a 4-year-old and 2-year-old.

So it was back to the vacation drawing board for this chick! Darn it.

But then the clouds parted and angels sang to me,

“You live by Lake Michigan! Drive to the beach, you idiot!”

Of course I smacked myself. There are so many things to do with little kids right here in the good old Great Lakes! I got right to work researching some Good Cheap Fun for our mini-vacation destinations. Over the past couple of years, we have had some awesome local family trips! I just need to share the goods with you!

I think it will be easiest to do a separate post for each vacation spot, so stay tuned for more! I am starting with my favorite little getaway town of all time. It is where I spent childhood summers, got engaged and got married! Sometimes I throw the kids in the car and head there for the day, just because we can.

Drumrollllll pleaseee…..

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I know. I know. Not that exciting. But you have to give me a chance here! The drive time from my house in the southwest Chicago suburbs is only 1 hour and 10 minutes. (Provided the Frank Borman expressway isn’t a damn parking lot. Public Service Announcement: AVOID RUSH HOUR AT ALL COSTS!) It is perfect for a summer day trip, quick overnight or a whole week to relax. The beach town atmosphere really does make it feel like you are on a real vacation. Plus there is a BOATLOAD of cheap stuff to do with little kids, and we have tried it all! Ready for your cheap family vacay? Here we go!

Whitaker Street, New Buffalo, MI

FREE admission. If you want the convenience of beach parking, it is $10 per vehicle. (I never pay to park. I find a spot downtown and walk over the bridge to the beach. It is about a half mile walk. I have managed it with both kids many times as long as I have a wagon!)

There is a small playground, dune trails and wooden walkways you can explore. The concessions building has working bathrooms and assorted snacks. I recommend doing potty checks before you head out, because on busy afternoons lines can get long. I always pack a small cooler with drinks and snacks from home. Concessions for a family of four can add up quickly, plus it is inconvenient to walk all the way back up the boardwalk for a snack. I suggest bringing a wagon to pull little kids or beach gear to your spot on the sand because it is a little easier – strollers are useless off the boardwalk. (I have seen people pulling gear and kids across the sand on plastic snow sleds. I have never tried it, but seems ingenious!) Bring a big blanket to spread out so the kids have a clean place to sit for snacks, and a beach umbrella for shade if you have little ones. Sunscreen and hats are a must! I always bring shovels and buckets to build sandcastles and collect beach treasures. I also bring a chair for myself – the kind you can carry on your back with the shoulder straps so your hands are free to pull the wagon and corral the kids. There are life guards on duty during the summer season. More details on the beach policies and forecast can be found by clicking on the link above.

(Mommy Tangent Alert: I love our puddle jumpers! It is a life jacket meets water wings. They are USCG approved, so you can use them for boating as well. I make my kids wear their puddle jumpers in the water. The sand bars move around, and sometimes there is a drop-off in the shallow water that you can’t see.)

12032 Red Arrow Highway, Sawyer, MI 49125 (about a 15 minute drive from New Buffalo)

There is an entrance fee of $9 per car regardless of how many people you are traveling with. You can ask for a map at the entrance to help you find your way because this is a pretty big state park. The best way to describe it is “beach meets forest preserve”. Bring your beach gear, and some hiking clothes if you want to explore some of the wooded trails.

There are plenty of trails to hike and HUGE dunes to climb. The tallest is 260 ft above the lake! You can take a creek walk to a clay pit, which is fun if you have some older kids to keep busy. There is also a playground and a designated picnic area with grills if you want to picnic or cook out. I usually just pack a cooler of snacks and drinks and eat out on the beach. Restrooms are located throughout the park. Bring your puddle jumpers and sand toys if you want some beach time. Be ready for a lot of walking, and most of it is not what I would call stroller-friendly. Our wagon works well here. Don’t forget bug spray if you are going to hike some of the wooded trails, and sunscreen for climbing the dunes!

If you are into camping, this is a great place to camp for a weekend. I normally HATE camping, but I do love the beach! Therefore, I actually had fun camping here for one night. You can click here to make a camping reservation.

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I think more blueberries end up in Emmy’s tummy than her bucket!
  • Blueberry Picking

If you have been reading my blog, you already know how much we love blueberry pancakes in our house! Fresh Michigan blueberries are an absolute must in the summer, plus it is fun to pick your own. My kids love it. It is free admission and parking at our 3 favorite places, but be prepared with CASH ONLY to pay by the pound for what you pick. (To give you an idea, my girls and I picked almost 3 lbs of blueberries this morning at Billy Boy’s and our total was around $5.00.) All 3 farms listed below have port-a-potties on-site in case of bathroom emergencies. It isn’t very stroller-friendly at any of them, but a wagon works well if you need to pull little kids. You can bring food and drink for a picnic at any of the 3 farms, but we never do. The kids snack on blueberries while we pick, and we are usually only there for an hour or two. Dress for the weather, and don’t forget sunscreen, water bottles, hats, bug spray and closed shoes! The phone numbers are listed below, and I recommend calling ahead of time to make sure they will have the U-Pick open the day you are planning to go. Seasons vary from year to year, so they don’t always have set hours.

  • Mike’s Blueberry Farm
    • 11160 Farina Rd., New Buffalo, MI
    • (269) 469-2509
    • Closed Mondays
  • Billy Boy Blueberry Barn
    • 650 Freyer Rd., Michigan City, IN (about a 10-minute drive from New Buffalo)
    • (219) 872-7477
    • Closed Tuesdays
  • Stateline Blueberries
    • 9957 N. Frontage Rd., Michigan City, IN (about a 10-minute drive from New Buffalo)
    • (219) 874-7721
    • Closed Tuesdays

Fun Yoder Fact: This is where we got hitched, and those are my 2 little muffins “playing wedding” at the park!

17425 Red Arrow Highway New Buffalo, MI 49117

Free admission and parking

This park is an awesome way to spend a day! There is a really nice enclosed playground and separate splashpad. My kids also love doing the nature walks to the scenic outlook decks. They are short little paths that explore the woods and take you to gorgeous decks overlooking the creek bed. The paths are stroller-friendly. Working bathrooms and drinking fountains are on-site. Plenty of shade to get a break from the summer sun. There is a picnic pavilion, so pack a lunch. There are also basketball courts and bocce ball courts to entertain your older kids while the younger ones play on the playground.

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Cody and the girls heading up to the observation tower.

115 Lakeshore Dr., Michigan City, IN 46360 (about a 15 minute drive from New Buffalo)

  • Parking: $7 per car
  • Admission: $7 adult, $6 children age 3-11, and under 3 is FREE

A cute little zoo with some fun exhibits! You can get right up close to tigers, monkeys, bobcats, river otters and bears. A couple of the exhibits were closed without much explanation when we visited, but there was still plenty to see. The park is pretty stroller-friendly, with the exception of some steep hills. There is a small playground structure, clean bathrooms and basic concessions inside the zoo. I saw signs posted for no outside food or drink, but we brought in water bottles and had a quick snack of granola bars at one of the picnic tables. Nobody seemed to mind. Your ticket is good for the day, so you could go out to your car to eat if you wanted to save your cash and do a picnic lunch. There is also a historical observation tower we climbed for some pretty views of the lake. You could easily keep the whole family busy here for an afternoon.

Avery is loving her ride on the mini steam train!

1201 E 1000 N, La Porte, IN (about a 10-minute drive from New Buffalo)

Hours: Saturday and Sunday from 12:00-5:00 CENTRAL time (it is just over the Indiana border)

Admission and parking are both FREE, but you pay to ride the steam trains. Single ride tickets are $5 per adult, $3 per child (3-12 years) and FREE for 2 and under. If you know you want to ride all the trains, buy a multiple ride ticket. (Gives you 4 train rides – enough to try all the trains they have.) Prices for multiple ride tickets are $17 per adult, $10 per child (3-12 years) and FREE for 2 and under.

They have some interesting historical trains, sawmills, and power plants on the grounds that you can check out. They also have a historical blacksmith’s shop. There is a soda fountain/cafe that you can eat at, but we have never tried it. I usually just bring snacks or a picnic of our own because there are picnic tables on the grounds. There are bathrooms, it is somewhat stroller-friendly, and there are shady spots. The paths are mostly gravel. We usually just show up to take a few train rides, and then head back to New Buffalo. Perfect place to bring little kids, ESPECIALLY if they are into trains at all. The steam train rides are very exciting for my girls. We love spending an afternoon here!

  • Captain Mike’s Fun Park
    • 10975 S. Red Arrow Highway, Bridgman, MI 49106 (about a 15-minute drive from New Buffalo)
    • Hours:
      • Sunday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm EASTERN time
      • Monday-Saturday 11:00 am – 7:00 pm EASTERN time

A fun little amusement park! They have go-karts, mini go-karts, bumper boats, bumper cars, and mini golf. They also have a few other games and an arcade. Admission and parking are both FREE. You pay for tickets for the ride/activity of your choice or tokens to play arcade games. Most of the rides and mini golf were around $5 CASH ONLY per person, but they do let little kids (under 12) ride in the double go-karts for free with a paid adult. The mini golf course was very cute and easy for little kids to navigate. We didn’t spend much time in the arcade, since our kids are still too young for most of those games. There are bathrooms and typical amusement park concessions. You can bring your own food and drink for a picnic at one of their picnic tables. Stroller-friendly.

  • Stateline Stables
    • 10411 N 200 E , LaPorte, IN (about a 15-minute drive from New Buffalo)
    • (219) 778-9020 (Call ahead to book your trail ride! You can view their schedule here.)

This place looks perfect for entertaining a family with kids of multiple ages. Kids 8 and older and adults can go for a horse trail ride for $35 per person. There is a lead line pony trail option for younger/inexperienced kids for $15. They also offer riding lessons for $35 per hour. It is a little more expensive than something I would normally do with my family, but for a one-time adventure I would be willing to spend the money. **We have never been here! My friend told me about this place when she heard I was working on this blog post, and it does sound awesome. I think we are going to try it next time we take a trip out this way – so I will update this post with more information once I actually go. If you have been here, then give me some more information in the comments please!**

Another good activity for families with multiple ages of children – not really doable with a baby. If you have older kids, you can rent single kayaks for $20/hour or $70/day. If your kids are younger, rent a double kayak for $25/hour or $75/day.

Great for beginners! Do not be intimidated if you have never kayaked before! This river is easy to navigate. You rent at the address above, and then return to the same place when you are done. Since the water moves slow, it is not that challenging to paddle back upstream. With younger kids, just an hour of paddling is fine. Avery got bored and antsy for the last 10 minutes or so. (Remember to bring their puddle jumpers/life vests! You can rent one if you don’t own one.) We did see a lot of wildlife on the river! If you have older kids and want to try the full 3-mile trip down to the beach, then you might want to consider renting for the day. We have never gone that far, but according the their website this takes about 4 hours round trip. Apply sunscreen and bug spray before you launch, dress in clothes that can get a little wet and bring a water bottle or 2. There are no bathrooms – you are floating on a river. Do a potty check before you embark on this adventure. Kayaks are not known for their spaciousness so leave snacks and extra stuff in the car. Bring a ziplock bag for your keys and cell phone, and keep some air in it. If they end up in the water, they will stay dry and float on the surface.

  • Good Eats

When we go on these trips, I usually end up bringing most of our food. I plan ahead, buy what we will need for the trip, then pack a couple of grocery bags and a cooler for cold stuff. Most of our breakfasts, snacks and lunches are eaten from these groceries, and we usually even grill out a night or 2. But sometimes…when I am on vacation…I just don’t want to cook anything. So on these days we head out to a family-friendly restaurant. In my own personal opinion, family-friendly restaurants have to:

  1. Be able to tolerate some noise
  2. Have a reasonably priced menu
  3. Provide a kid’s menu
  4. Be casual – I am talking t-shirts and flip flops casual

Not too much to ask…Right?! We have luckily found some really good spots to stop in and eat lunch or dinner with the kids. There are a bunch of other decent restaurants around town, but these two are our favorites! They are both always crowded, so you might want to be prepared to wait for a table. If it is peak dinner hours my husband heads there ahead of time to put our name in. I show up with the kids a little later so we don’t have to keep them entertained while waiting to be seated. Both places also provide carry-out service if you don’t feel like putting on your flip flops and t-shirt after leaving the beach! Just call in your order ahead of time!

  • Redamak’s Tavern
    • 616 E. Buffalo Street, New Buffalo, MI 49117
    •  (269) 469-4522

  • Good Treats

What good is a summer beach vacation without some ice cream stops? Our 2 favorite ice cream parlors are below.

  • Beachside Scoops
    • 225 N. Whittaker #1, New Buffalo, MI
    • Hours: 1:00 pm – 11:00 pm EASTERN time
  • Oinks Dutch Treat
    • 227 W. Buffalo St., New Buffalo, MI
    • Hours: 11:00 am -11:30 pm EASTERN time

  • Places to Stay

The best way to stay overnight with little kids is in a house or cottage. Everybody gets their own place to sleep, there is a full kitchen to make and eat meals, a fridge for groceries, a yard for kids to play in, etc. It might cost a little more per night, but when you think about the cost of eating out every meal while staying at a hotel, you save in the long run. You can always get a bigger house and split it with some friends to make it even cheaper! If it is just your family, there are some less-expensive options as long as you stick to the smaller cottages.

Check these links for rental options in the area. We have had some awesome and very affordable experiences renting.

I am not what you would call a happy camper, but I know plenty of people who have had fun and affordable vacations while staying at a campsite. I cannot speak from experience, other than one tolerable night at Warren Dunes State Park. Here is a link of some campgrounds in the area. Good luck, you crazy campers!

When I was researching for our wedding last year, I came across the most adorable little cottage resort. I have not stayed here yet, but I did stop by to check it out. I can’t wait to bring the kids here! It is so cute! Click the link below for more details and to book a beach-side cottage.

Still too much money for your stay-at-home mom budget? I feel you, girlfriend! Don’t forget that it is only an hour away! You could always pick a couple activities from the list and visit for a day, without the added expense of spending the night somewhere. We have done this so many times that I have lost count. Sometimes we just head to the beach all day and grab an ice cream cone on our way out of town.

Now, my fellow adventurers, there are three things I would like you to do with all of this information:

  1. Enjoy your vacation.
  2. Flood my news feed and Instagram with pics of your fabulous yet cheap family vacay.
  3. Use a few of the dollars you saved to buy me a tropical drink. (Bob Marley playing in the background is optional.)

You’re welcome! 🙂


Good Cheap Fun

As a stay-at-home mom, I am perpetually bored. I am in constant search of things to do. I know it seems like it would be nice to just be home all the time, but I PROMISE you, it can make a girl go crazy. I can only hear the Mickey Mouse “Hot Diggity Dog” song so many times before I am tempted to run for the high hills. As a result, I began taking the kids out for numerous “adventures.”

We all benefit from some time out of the house, but I quickly learned how freaking expensive it is to keep up with these outings. Paying admission for 1 adult and 2 kids can add up fast, and I know darn well that I am not getting my money’s worth dragging a 4-year-old and 2-year-old around. Nothing is more aggravating to me than taking the kids somewhere and ending up $75 in the hole before we even get through the door! Not to mention the minute my 2-year-old has a meltdown, I am evacuating the place like it is on fire and I can kiss my $75 of fun goodbye! I decided during one of these episodes that we needed to start heading out to some low-budget entertainment.

It was so frustrating trying to find some of these hidden gems! The free stuff is rarely advertised, and I found a lot of these places through word-of-mouth. I was like an undercover mom spy last year, getting the scoop from random women I had never met at the playground. They probably thought I was a lunatic. It really shouldn’t have been that hard. So now….I will bestow this magical knowledge upon you!

This is my summer list! Everything on my list is cheap – $5 or less per person – if you follow my instructions. Most of it is even FREE! I am well aware of the fantastic attractions available to us in Chicagoland, but you won’t find them on this list. They are just too pricey! I live in the southwest burbs, so the things listed are within a reasonable distance of me. I categorized the list by activity. With each place I have included the address, summer hours, admission, parking and a link to the website. (If they have one, the link is highlighted in blue – some don’t have a website) I also provided some other random info that I love knowing ahead of time before heading out for a day with the kids. (Such as – if there is a picnic area, the bathroom situation, if it is stroller-friendly, etc.) I hope you can enjoy going on some of these adventures as much as we do! Happy exploring, my fellow adventurers!



1000 Ray Moses Dr., Aurora, IL

Open daily from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

A small zoo located in Philips Park. Philips Park also has playgrounds, a free splash pad, a sunken garden and picnic area with tables. There are restrooms inside the visitor center. There is plenty of free parking, and most of the zoo is stroller-friendly. No concessions, but you can bring your own food/drink and eat in the picnic area. The zoo has a lot of decent exhibits for being free. They do ask for donations, but it is not required. There are donation boxes inside the visitor center and at the zoo entry.

$5 or less per person

1356 North Gary Ave., Wheaton, IL

Open daily from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

A very cute, clean little zoo! $4 per adult and all kids 17 and under are free! The whole zoo is stroller-friendly. There is a concession stand, but you can bring in your own food and drink. There is a picnic area with tables. Restrooms are on-site.  Parking is free. You can feed the ducks and chickens daily. They also have a very cute “Backpack Explorer” self guided tour that my 4-year-old loves! You can rent a pack for $2 from the gift shop. (You only need 1 pack per family per visit.) The pack is full of little activities and items to help guide you through the zoo. Once you complete your tour of the zoo, you can return your completed pack to the gift shop and receive an Eco-Explorer button. There are 8 different themes to the packs, so you can get 8 buttons total throughout the summer! It makes for a new zoo experience every time you visit! We LOVE this zoo!



500 N Chicago Avenue, Elwood, Illinois

Open daily from dawn to dusk

My favorite hidden gem to date! Totally free, beautiful children’s garden full of toys, musical instruments, art supplies and paths to explore. This garden has an evergreen maze, sunflower tunnel, mud kitchen, butterfly garden and so much more! My kids stay busy here for hours. Plenty of free parking. Huge playgrounds and working bathrooms across the parking lot. There are two picnic pavilions to choose from. One is inside the children’s garden and the other is by the bathrooms and playgrounds. Bring your own food and drink because there are no concessions available. Stroller-friendly. Be prepared with a change of clothes – Your kids WILL get dirty.

$5.00 or less per person

14158 W. 159th Street, Homer Glen, IL

Open weekdays and Sunday from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturdays from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm.

The cutest local farm that allows you to pick your own produce! My kids LOVE this place! So far we have picked our own strawberries, rhubarb, blackberries, cherries and apples here. They have tons of other stuff you can pick listed on their website. $5 per person to enter the field, and then you pay for what you pick by weight. (If you want to pick your produce all season, buy a Pick Pass for $25 per person. This gets you unlimited access to the field, plus 10% off your produce price for the entire year.) ALWAYS check the website before you head to the farm! They update it every morning with what is available for picking that day. The paths are all gravel and dirt, so I wouldn’t call this place stroller-friendly. We usually bring our red wagon with to help pull the produce. The farm supplies containers and bags if you need them. Since they sell everything you pick by weight, you can also bring your own produce bags or cardboard boxes if you want to be Earth friendly. (I do recommend using their supplied quart containers for berries.) I also recommend wearing closed toe shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy, a hat that keeps the sun out of your eyes, sunscreen, bug spray and old clothes. If you have little kids, I can promise your whole family WILL leave this place covered in fruit juice, mashed berries and dirt. They have port-a-potties by the farm stand, but nothing out in the field! Plan your potty checks ahead of time if you have little kids!


2501 Highland Park Dr., Joliet, IL

Open daily from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Visit the Pilcher Park Nature Center to see exhibits of local wildlife, walk a few hiking trails, go fishing in Hickory Creek, take a walk through the Bird Haven Greenhouse, play on the playground and stop at one of the picnic tables for lunch. No concessions available, so bring your own food/drink. There is plenty of shade. Some of the trails are stroller-friendly. There are bathrooms available in the Nature Center and by the playground. Plenty of parking available throughout the park.

Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center

Little Red School House Nature Center – Willow Springs, IL


9800 Willow Springs Rd., Willow Springs, IL

Open 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday-Sunday, CLOSED Friday

An adorable nature center full of educational fun for kids. Inside the new Green Schoolhouse and the same Little Red Schoolhouse from our childhood, you will find live animal exhibits and interactive exhibits about local wildlife and their habitats. It has a children’s museum feel to it. There are bathrooms inside, and stroller friendly paths around the nature center. There are some good benches on the grounds to stop and have a picnic. You can take a short hike around the nature trail to see some gardens, plants and wildlife – some of the trails may not be stroller-friendly if there was recent rain. We saw bullfrogs by the lily pads last year! Plenty of parking. Check their schedule of events on the website if you are looking for something extra, because they have a bunch of free, family-friendly, nature-based events throughout the summer.

Splash Pads:

  • Brent Hassert Park – Crest Hill, IL


19623 Renwick Rd., Crest Hill, IL

Open 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

Plenty of free parking. A decent-sized, enclosed splash pad. It is attached to 2 different playgrounds with rubberized surfacing. It can get busy in the mornings, but lunchtime and afternoons are not as bad. There are bathrooms, a drinking fountain, concession machines and a picnic shelter attached to the splash pad area. Bring sunscreen and hats because there is very little shade here! We usually pack a picnic lunch and a change of clothes so that the girls can play on the playgrounds once they are done splashing. Stroller-friendly.

  • The Promenade Mall – Children’s Play Area – Bolingbrook, IL
631 E Boughton Rd., Bolingbrook, IL
Open during mall hours
Plenty of free parking. It is inside the open-air mall. Park on the side near Bass Pro Shops. This splash pad is little underwhelming, but fun for a quick little outing. It has a few interactive water fountains on a rubberized surface. It is usually not too crowded, and sometimes we even have it all to ourselves. Plenty of family-friendly restaurants in the area, and lots of shopping if you want to run errands before you play! (We also usually walk across the street to Bass Pro Shop because Emmy is obsessed with looking at the fish tank – whatever keeps the kid’s entertained!) It is stroller-friendly with plenty of benches to sit and keep and eye on the kids. Bathrooms are available inside the mall.
  • Hobson Corner Park – Woodridge, IL


2910 Hobson Rd., Woodridge, IL

Open 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

Free parking. Very basic with interactive fountains shooting up from the ground, but my kids still love it. I usually bring a couple small buckets for them to play with. Small area with a few tables to sit at, or bring a blanket to spread on the surrounding grass. Stroller-friendly. No restrooms, but a port-a-potty is there for emergencies!

$5 or less per person!

801 Blackhawk Dr., Westmont, IL

Open daily from 10:00 am – 8:00 pm

If I am going to pay for a splash pad, it better be good! When we do go here, the kids always freak out – It is by far their favorite splash pad! You pay $5 per non-resident child and adults are free. Plan to get wet with your little kids, because this splash pad is huge! (If your kids are older you might be able to get away with supervision from the side.) NO food is allowed inside the splash pad area. You can get your hand stamped and exit the splash pad to have snacks and such. There is a nice picnic pavilion, but come early to claim a table! There is also plenty of grassy area to claim with a picnic blanket, which is what we usually do. You can bring your own food and drinks for a picnic, but they also have a concession stand that offers snacks and drinks.There are bathrooms, but they are a little bit of a walk from the splash pad. There is a nice playground and a huge sand pit, so bring some sand toys to keep the kids busy.  This park is stroller-friendly and has plenty of free parking.


$5 or less per person – specific instructions below

500 W. Jackson Ave., Naperville, IL

Open Monday – Saturday 11:00 am – 8:00 pm and Sunday 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Zero-depth entry, sand-bottom pool with a couple of fountains for little ones to play in and a small slide. Also has platforms and diving boards in the deep water for older kids who can pass a swim test. Large sandy “beach” area for building sand castles and digging. My kids LOVE it here! It is pricey for normal admission and usually VERY crowded. This place makes my list because from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm you can get in for only $3 per non-resident on weekdays and Saturdays! Bonus: It is not as crowded at this time too.

Extra Details: Lifeguards on duty. There is free parking, but sometimes it fills up and you have to use the street parking on Jackson Street. Coast Guard approved floatation devices (such as puddle jumpers and life vests) are allowed. Somewhat stroller-friendly – There are paved sidewalks connecting the parking lot, pool area and concessions. Once you are in the pool area it is mostly sand and grass. Bathrooms and locker rooms are on-site. You can bring in your own food/drink. (I pack a small cooler.) They do have a concession stand/restaurant offering sandwiches, treats and drinks. There are plenty of picnic tables and lounge chairs to choose from, or bring a blanket to spread out on the grassy area. There are some shady spots too.

$5.00 or less per person – specific instructions below

16028 127th St., Lemont, IL

Open weekdays 12:00 – 7:00 pm and weekends 12:00 – 6:00 pm

A nice pool for little kids. Zero-depth entry with a few fountains to play in. A large water slide and diving board keep the older kids occupied. Normal admission is a little high, but this pool makes my list because on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays they open early for families with kids under 11 years old! You pay a discounted admission for this time slot. FREE for 2 and under, $6 per non-resident adult, $4 per non-resident child – OR – a non-resident family of 4 for $11. Not bad for a morning swim when you consider the cost of normal non-resident admission, plus less crowds!

Extra Details: Lifeguards on duty. Free parking and stroller-friendly. You can bring in your own food/drink. (I pack a small cooler.) They do have a small concession stand offering snacks and drinks. There are plenty of picnic tables and lounge chairs to choose from. Bathrooms and locker rooms are attached to pool area. Bring your own towels, hats and lots of sunscreen! Shade is hard to come by here unless you can grab one of the tables with an umbrella.


$5.00 or less per person – specific instructions below

1 Mayor Art Schultz Drive, Joliet, IL

Click the link above for game schedule.

An affordable way to take your family out to the ballpark! A very family-friendly minor league team. They make my list because they have $2 Tuesdays – seats are $2 apiece! They have promotional theme nights such as Superhero night, Princess night, Lego night, Harry Potter night, etc. On Fridays there are post-game fireworks. On Sundays there are post-game meet and greets, so the kids can get autographs from their favorite players. After most games, they let the kids on the field to run the bases. My favorite way to go with little kids is buying $7 lawn seats. It is an open grassy area, and the kids have some freedom to run around if the game gets a little boring. Bring a blanket to sit on, and your glove to catch foul balls! If you want a regular seat it is still only $12, or you can get a club seat for $14. Parking for Slammers games is free, and you can also get to the game an hour early to enjoy discounted “early bird special” ballpark food and drink!



Every Monday night from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Central Square. (Corner of 9th St and Hamilton.) Click link for concert schedule.

Shop a farmer’s market, buy dinner off a food cart, let the kids jump in the free bouncy house, grab free treats (This past Monday had all you can eat ice cream, and last year we had snow cones every night), walk through the car show and enjoy a live music concert! The event is totally FREE, unless you choose to buy food/drink! Bring a blanket and some lawn chairs to claim a spot on the grass. You can also bring your own food/drink. Park in one of the downtown lots and walk over. Bathrooms inside Central Square building.


New Lenox Commons, 1 Veterans Pkwy, New Lenox, IL

10 free movie nights total – click link above for schedule.

Starts at dusk, approx 8:00 pm. Bring a blanket and lawn chairs to claim your spot on the green and enjoy a movie outside. Concession stand available, but you can bring your own food/drink. (We have actually never gone to this, but I hear good things from a lot of people. I have no idea what the bathroom situation is. I will update this when I find out!)


“Ratatouille” – June 3, “Tower Heist” – July 8, “The Lego Movie” – August 5 (Click link for more info.)

Movie starts at dusk (approx 8:00) on Breidert Green. (The big grassy area with a small stage in the middle of downtown.)

Bring a blanket, snacks and lawn chairs and enjoy a movie outside. Get there early to claim a good spot, and walk across the street to Kernel Sweet Tooth to grab popcorn and ice cream! (No bathrooms were on site that I could find, but I was able to use Kernel Sweet Tooth’s with one of my daughters last year after we purchased a snack.)

So there you have it. My list of local, cheap fun. Now go have a family adventure on me!

Just kidding….it will probably be free!

You. Are. Welcome.

🙂 Kaitlyn

P.S. If you liked this post, you may also like Good Cheap Getaway for some easy and quick family vacation ideas!