About Me

Want to get to know the girl behind the kitchen sink?

You have clicked on the right place!

Sooooo here you go:

I’m Kaitlyn, the newbie blogger and stay-at-home mom to my two beautiful daughters named Elsa and Anna. Elsa is five years old and Anna is three. Obviously, those are not their real names. Their real names are Avery and Emmy. I should have seen it coming, but I asked them what their names should be on Mommy’s blog. So there you have it! Frozen will continue to taint everything I own, including my own cyberspace. There they are! Little buggers!

CK 1
They were obviously much younger in this picture, but look how cute! I could just squish them!

I also have a husband named Cody. I love him more than words can express, but he drives me flipping nuts. If there was ever an example of opposites attracting, it’s us. He is completely opposite me in pretty much every darn thing. He is lucky I think he is so handsome, otherwise who knows where this whole thing would have ended up!

Yoder Wedding
Go ahead and be jealous of me for a few seconds…..Dreamy, ain’t he?

We have been happily married for a year now, but before the big “I do” we were happily living in sin for six years. Please take a moment to pray that we are now saved from Eternal Hellfire.

I wish daily for a puppy! Since Cody won’t let me get a dog, it has become one of my many wishes. (See blog title. Subtle, I know.) Someday my wish will be granted and this little fuzzball will be mine to squeeze!


Or this one! Dying!

(If you ever bored, just Google image search “cute fluffy puppies”. I just wasted 10 minutes of my life in pure puppy bliss. )

Anybody who knows me is well aware of my embarrassingly limited knowledge of technology. I finally gave in to social pressure and bought a smart phone in 2013. I use it for texts, Facebook, and taking pictures of my kids – Couldn’t tell you anything else about that mini computer I carry around all day.

I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, and love my hometown teams. Since we are raising our girls in the southwest suburbs, they are learning how to be good little Chicago fans like their mom! Cody is from Michigan – so this creates a few issues in our household.

sox vs tigers game
That’s me with my husband and our daughters at Comerica Park. Go White Sox!

I am obsessed with my Fitbit. It owns my life. In such a good way.

I also love coffee, wine, karaoke, country music, running with my iPod shuffle, dancing at weddings and jalapeno kettle chips – not necessarily in that order.

I am currently a stay-at-home mom, but I have big dreams for the future. Until then, I am making the best out of my life right now. It hasn’t always been easy, but it sure has always been worth it!

Glad you are along for the ride!

Want to know even more about me? CLICK HERE to read how different I was before motherhood chewed me up and spit me out!

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hi. I read your article Good Cheap Fun. I too was a stay at home mom. I had 3 lil kids & also ran out of things to do with them that wouldn’t cost me my left leg to do, especially in the winter. So, I put on my “cheap” thinking hat & came up with the idea of taking them to the pet shop! A few times a week, usually before lunch, I promised to them to local pet shops in my area if they behaved while we ran an errand or 2. It became like going to an indoor zoo! They loved it & so did I. Some pet shops had parrots out of their cages or bunnies to pet. Pet shops with puppies on display behind glass cages that were low to the ground & eye level for lil kids was a favorite. Pens filled with chipping parakeets could kill a good 10 mins of entertainment.

    Pet shops are usually small, so it’s pretty easy to keep your eye on 3 kids running around & loud enough to drown out my real life “Baby Pitch-A-Fit” toddler sprawled on the floor kicking & screaming like a possessed demon. I just don’t recommend taking your eyes off that same child for even a second cuz she’ll decide to PET one of those Chinese Fighter Fish that are keep in lil plastic bowls on display on the lower level shelves without lids! However, the blood curdling scream will immediately direct you to the slimy wet colorful fishy on the floor. Man, those suckers are long when theyre spread out!

    I also recommend that you let any of your children pet a gerbil or hampster or you’ll find yourself digging in your diaper bag for a wipey, bandaid & an hour of kissing their boo-boo wondering if the frickin rodents get rabbi shots. Lastly, steer your kids towards the exit door with a promise to swing past McDonald’s, pancakes for lunch or the last ditch, desperate, bribe of all bribes, ice-cream before lunch promise before they plant themselves in front of the living worst nightmare of white nauseating ” give you the Hibbie-jibbie” mice frantically running on that dam wheel of hell. My lil smart asses, quickly figured out that the got to stay longer cuz I would never go anywhere close enough to corail them out the door. Lil punks!

    Anyway, my motto of “If it’s Free, it’s for ME!” Lead me to think of creative ideas to entertain my kiddies, keep me out of the poor house & also keep myself from becoming catatonic watching hours of the Disney channel. My kids are teenagers now & laugh about the lil adventures we took when they were little. Some of the adventures were cookey but, what else did they have expect from me?

    1. Nina,
      That is too funny! My brothers and I grew up being taken on random little adventures too! And yes. We look back and laugh at how ridiculous some of the stuff was, but I am so glad we have those things to laugh about together. I love your ideas. Your kids are lucky to have such a creative mom, because tons of fun doesn’t always mean tons of cash! Just think how boring their childhood could have been without your “adventures”! 🙂

  2. Hello,
    My name is Patti MacMillan and I’m the public relations specialist at The Morton Arboretum. I would love to extend to you an opportunity to learn more about our upcoming exhibit, Nature Connects: Art with LEGO bricks by Sean Kenney during a special media preview. Would you be able to share your email address with me so that I can send the digital invite? More about this amazing exhibit can be found on our website: http://bit.ly/1TLVAZk

    My email is pmacmillan@mortonarb.org.
    Thank you!

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