Confessions of a Fantasy Football Housewife

Fantasy football.

The mortal enemy to wives everywhere. It makes our husbands essentially useless for 1 full day and 3 full evenings per week. It encourages gambling, smack talk, beer drinking and sports bar frequenting. If your husband is nice enough to avoid those shameful activities, then he is most likely zoned out on the couch at home with (at least) 2 tablets or laptop computers monitoring fantasycast and the TV tuned in to the most important game of the hour. Hey, at least he is home to help if you need it, right?

HA! Such bullshit. It annoyed me to no end.


There I was, in the throws of new motherhood, just trying my best to keep the infant and toddler alive. The house was looking acceptable at best, I was exhausted from getting up four times the previous night and my nipples were throbbing from this morning’s cluster-feeding. My toddler spilled her juice (for the second time) while simultaneously pooping her diaper mid-lunch. The infant was screaming to be fed yet again, (Are you kidding me?! How can she possibly be hungry?!) and it turns out I DON’T CARE IF IT’S NOON ON A SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER! If he so much as checks his phone for football scores, I will file for divorce so fast the papers will be served by 1:00.

I didn’t used to be this way. We used to enjoy football together. We attended games and sports bars on Sundays. We celebrated big fantasy wins as a united front (His win was my win!) and watched games live instead of from the DVR. I even wore cute Bears apparel instead of spit-up-stained yoga pants.

I was a different girl before I became a mommy. Parenthood roared her sometimes ugly head, and turned me into a “momster.” How dare my husband care about something other than our children?! Those kids consumed every waking (and sleeping) minute of my life – so they damn well better consume his too. Nothing should be allowed to take away from someone’s shared responsibilities as a parent. It is definitely not fair to expect your wife to spend half her weekend working just as hard as she does during the week while you loaf around checking scores and ripping on your friends. Man up, husbands of America!

With that being said, I am going to let my fellow momsters in on a little secret:

Those years of Sunday Hell are limited! There is light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually your Sundays will be fun again. So turn your tired faces up to the autumn sky and let that cool sunshine fall upon them!

In a few short years your kids will be able to eat real food without assistance. They will be fully potty trained and sleeping through the night. They will even be capable of entertaining themselves for an hour or two. You will have time to get some laundry done and straighten the house before the games start at noon.

It will get better, and when it does, join a fantasy league.

I know what you are thinking, “Say what?! Start playing fantasy football? But I loathe fantasy football!” Girlfriend, you are wrong. You hate your husband playing fantasy football. YOU playing fantasy football, however, is amazing. Now you can care just as much about the games as your husband. You are going to have to take turns tending to the kids.

“Babe, don’t you hear Emmy screaming for a snack? I have Foster and Lacy both playing right now, so you better go take care of that.”


You get a little secret thrill when your team wins, because you did that. You researched your players and pulled an amazing second-stringer off the waiver wire as soon as his first-string counterpart was declared out for the season. You get to sit back and watch with pride when your quarterback throws touchdown receptions. Suddenly, all the games are important – not just the Chicago game. You have to keep an eye on your whole team. Thursday night? Bring on the hot wings and beer! Sunday? There will be chili in the crock pot all day! Monday night? Can I get a repeat on the hot wings and beer?! There are football games to watch, babe! Fantasy football brings marriages together – Unless it is the week you play each other, in which case I recommend declaring the kitchen as neutral territory, because the living room is a battlefield where shame is left at the door – Other than that week, your husband and you can cheer each other on during wins and support each other through some tough losses.

For example: There I was on a Sunday morning, projected to win 120 to 88. I swaggered into the living room at 11:55 AM, sat back and put up my feet, feeling confident and ready to soak in my impending, glorious victory. Suddenly, to my horror, I was watching in hopeless despair as both my best running back and quarterback went out in the first quarter with injuries. Then, choking back tears of frustration when I saw the final score for my defense was NEGATIVE FREAKING FIVE. That sealed the deal on this unforeseen loss. My quarterback, running back and defense combined scored me a whopping -1 points that day. My total score that week was 37 damn points. I am shuddering with embarrassment thinking about it: The worst loss ever recorded in fantasy football history. That was a bad time for me, but you know what? It just brought Cody and I closer. He was there to pat my back while gently murmuring, “It’s OK, babe. You can’t win ’em all. You can hit the waivers Tuesday morning and pick up some good replacements. Don’t worry. You can still make the playoffs with a couple losses under your belt. Here you go, have a glass of red. I’ll order pizza for dinner.”

I felt so much better after that. He really knows what to do to cheer me up. I just love him.

Sooooo, momsters…..Are you still hating on fantasy football??? Didn’t think so. Go ahead. Join a league. Fulfill your competitive needs. High five your husband as you bask in your hard-earned victories and come together as a couple in your losses. You never know, you might even win some cash in the end.

(Photo: found on via

Cash you can use to buy a new football Sunday outfit that doesn’t have spit-up stains on it. Ahhhh. Sweet victory.

Jonamac Orchard

This is my family’s new favorite apple orchard!

Look at those cute little apple pickers! :-)
Look at those cute little apple pickers!


*** #basicwhitegirl alert!!!! ***


Do you even know what that means!? No?!

Well…..Good thing you have me here to tell you….

It means apple and pumpkin EVERYTHING. (It also means football season. Which consequently means buffalo sauce and chili everything. In fall I tend to gain a few pounds to help me hibernate through the winter. Don’t tell anyone, but leggings have an elastic waist band and coordinate perfectly with flowy tops that hide said pounds. Shhh. Our secret.)

But back to my APPLE EVERYTHING state of mind…

I have a love for apple season that goes deep. Every fall, my mom and Grammy would make homemade applesauce with freshly-picked apples. In case you live under a rock, or perhaps were not as fortunate as I was growing up, that equals the BEST damn applesauce you have ever tasted. I will post the recipe for you. I promise. I just can’t post it yet, because that would be putting the cart before the horse. Before you make awesome applesauce you need some freshly-picked apples!

Where do you get those?

Ummmm…..Apple picking farms. Silly.

Going off the success of my “Good Cheap Fun” post I wrote at the beginning of the summer, I decided throwing some good cheap FALL fun your way was a good idea too. My first post of fall 2015 is below! 🙂




19412 Shabbona Road, Malta, IL

We went there this afternoon, and I have to tell you how much we loved it RIGHT NOW. This just can’t wait. We had so much fun. I’m serious.


20150914_155656It is adorable. Everything is so darn cute and clean. There literally was not a piece of hay out of place here. Right off the bat they have cute photo-ops set up just waiting for you to snap your daily Instagram photo! (Feel free to #jonamacorchard #applepicking #ilovefall to your little social media heart’s content!)

It really is good cheap fun here, because admission on weekdays is FREE. No joke. FREE. You just walk right on in, no questions asked. This includes all kinds of activities like:


rubber ducky racing,


tractor bike racing,


pretend tractor driving,

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playhouse exploring,


rope climbing and mini-maze maneuvering,

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old-school gaming,

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corn silo swimming,


and hay bale mountain climbing! Recap – all of that is FREE on weekdays.

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On weekday afternoons, you can add this awesome jumpy pillow and animal barn to all the free activities I already listed for $4.00 per child and $2.00 per adult. Children 2 and under are free with paid adult. I promise you will want to participate in the jumpy pillow because you are cool parents like us. Soooo $2.00 of fun is coming your way! Read more about the weekday after school special here.

If you visit on the weekend, you will have to pay admission. Don’t worry though – there is good news! The corn maze and tractor rides are only open on weekends and admission prices are actually pretty affordable. Jonamac even offers a family pass – $32.00 for a family of 4. Not bad considering what you pay at some other orchards and fall farms! Click here for more information about activities and admission prices.

There is also a pumpkin patch that was not open when we were there – It opens this weekend 9/26! Click here to find out more.

So now that you have had a crap-ton of fall fun on the farm, you need to get to work doing what you came to do: Go pick some apples!

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Before you venture into the orchard, stop by The Country Store or The Apple Hut to purchase your picking bags. There are no admission fees to the orchard, but you can only use the purchased bags to hold your apples. Don’t waste your time bringing your own sacks. Click here to find out more pricing and picking information.

I recommend checking the apple chart before heading out for the day to see what varieties are available for picking. You can also use the chart to decide which apple variety would be best for you, especially if you are unfamiliar with apple varieties. (Some are better for baking, some are better for snacking.) Check their Facebook page for updates as well.

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Once you are in the orchard, get picking! There are crates that the kids can stand on so that they can reach the tree branches. My girls loved it! You can have a freshly-picked apple for a snack while you pick. Clearly, my Emmy took full advantage of this offer. Yum.

A few other tidbits you might want to know….

This place is stroller friendly! (There are so many fall farms and festivals that aren’t, so when you find one that is, you hold that precious gem close to your heart until your kids can log their own Fitbit miles.) The farm grounds have well-maintained gravel paths connecting the attractions.

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The paths even run into the orchard! You can definitely feel confident bringing your stroller or wagon here. If you have a young family like me, it is worth noting that the bathroom situation is waaaaay better than other seasonal fall farms. You have a couple of options. They have  plenty of port-a-potties, complete with a hand washing station and hand sanitizer. There are also real, working bathrooms inside The Country Store. There are only a couple stalls, but if you just can’t handle port-a-potties with your kiddos then head over there!

20150914_160047While you are in The Country Store, check this cute board for upcoming events and browse the adorable fall decor, apple butter, apple donuts, apple pies, apple cider and APPLE WINE for sale. (I had you at wine, right?) Buy some. I have tasted it. DELICIOUS. Then go ahead and impulse buy lots of fall crap! I promise you won’t regret it. (You really did need a bunch of distressed signs and mason jars filled with cinnamon. Your house rocks now. I know. I just get you.)

20150914_15100320150914_155615 Stop by The Apple Cart, Kettle Corn Barn or The Country Store if you get hungry on the weekends, but head to The Country Store if it is a weekday. There is also a nice pavilion full of picnic tables, and plenty of grassy areas to spread out a blanket if you brought your own food. Even if you packed a picnic, you should still grab their apple donuts for dessert. Feel free to thank me for telling you to do that – because they are freaking amazing.

Give the drive a chance! Jonamac Orchard might look farther away on a map, but it was way more convenient for us to visit then some of the comparable orchards over the Indiana border. It is 10 minutes from DeKalb (GO HUSKIES!), and basically in the opposite direction of all the crappy traffic and road construction surrounding the city, burbs and Indiana border. It took an hour for us to get there, but I promise you that we didn’t see a break light the entire drive! So worth it!


Jonamac’s husky! NIUUUUU!

Now go visit Jonamac Orchard and tell me how much you loved it in the comments. We already have plans to go back, so see you all there!

Happy apple picking!

🙂 Kaitlyn