The Plight of a Feminist Stay-At-Home Mom

There are those questions that every stay-at-home parent dreads to hear:

“What do you do all day?”

“How can you guys afford anything?”

“Don’t you go crazy just sitting at home?”

Or even better, the unsolicited advice based on nothing:

“You’ll someday regret these years you aren’t paying into retirement.”

“Your job as a parent is to provide as much financial security as possible to your family.”

“This is doing irreparable damage to your career.”

Then there’s a whole lot of the “well-meaning” comments from people who have “good intentions”:

“I could never do what you do.”

“You don’t have to do this. There are so many good childcare options these days.”

“I would be in great shape too, if I had all that extra time to go to the gym.”

“You’re so lucky that you get to watch TV and drink wine all day!”

How exactly can I explain to these people that I do what feels like, basically, everything!? How can I tell somebody that I do, in fact, sometimes feel like I’m going nuts, yet it is worth it? Why is my family’s financial situation such an anomaly to them? Why are they so worried about the future of MY career?

Aside from all of that, the fact that they think I get time to myself? Suuuure, people. I can work out at the gym for hours, then come home, sit around, drink wine and watch TV alllllll day! #livingthedream

^That is just plain hilarious. I’m always in stitches over those assholes.^

This topic is a tricky one. I cannot simply explain my decision to become a stay-at-home mom to families with two working parents. It is legitimately, damn near impossible. They either:

1. Get offended. Maybe they think that in some way talking about the hows and whys of my decision in turn means I look down on their own? I’m not sure, but it has happened more times than I can count.


2. They look at me like I have 3 heads. I am no longer allowed to be an independent, educated feminist. How dare I not earn my own paycheck and pay my own bills!? How could I let my husband do that for me!? I am the problem! Down with domestication!

I am going to try to explain this life and why I chose it. My point here is not to offend, my point is to educate. Maybe you are one of those people above? Perhaps some of those words have come out of your mouth? If you didn’t say them to me, maybe you said them to another parent who decided to take a few years off work to focus on their kids. Maybe you decided you would crack a joke about the sad and pathetic stay-at-home moms of the world. I have heard it all, trust me. During conversation at a dinner party, there was a man who once said to me,

“If my wife wasn’t helping to contribute financially, she better be waiting for me in a sexy outfit with a cold beer every day. Cody’s a lucky man.”

I’m going to take a stab at what he assumes about stay-at-home moms like me… You assume that I barely made it out of high school and had no future. My only option was to trap the first guy with a decent salary I stumbled upon into marrying me and pop out a few kids. Now I’m just another one of the mommies who bake cookies, wear mom jeans and drive minivans full of screaming kids to the grocery store. I’m forever lumped into the “housewife” category. I’m not worth the dirt on the fancy, designer heels you bought for your own glamorous wife to wear as she clip claps into her corner office. Your wife is better than me because she chose to put her career first. (Or did she? Sounds like maybe you weighed in on that matter, sir!) I am a lost cause to the feminist movement, a failure who could have done better for myself. May God have mercy on my soul.

Well. I would answer him plain and simple: YOU. ARE. WRONG.

Turns out, like so many other stay-at-home parents, I graduated high school with honors and have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. I have experience training college athletes and educating patients in cardiac rehabilitation. I also have two kids. And when my oldest was born, I decided none of that was as important as she was. Plain and simple, everything else in my life could wait.

You know what won’t wait?

My kids. They are going to keep growing up. Nothing can slow that down, and I feel like if I blink I am missing something. They were only babies for two years. That’s it. Two. That is all you get, and it goes by way too fast.

I opened my eyes one day and my daughter was running around on chubby legs and asserting herself in her own little voice. She wasn’t a baby anymore, she was a toddler. Then I was dropping her off at preschool and watching her climb on the playground, and before I knew it, we had a kindergartener. This kindergartener is in cheerleading, dance, gymnastics and soccer. She is her own person. She lost all her baby fat. She has her own smell, and it’s no longer the scent of my baby. She has long blonde hair, instead of wispy baby fuzz. She chooses her own outfits, does her own homework and gets herself snacks. Next year she will be in school full-time as a first grader, and she won’t need me during the day anymore. Coming up, just as fast, behind her is my youngest. I have a couple of years left at home with my babies, and then I’ll go back to work.

A job and a big, fat paycheck will always be there. I might have to work a little harder to gain the ground that I lost. I’ll have to do some continuing education to bring myself current and stay competitive in my field. I may never climb as high as some have, but then again maybe I still will, despite this self-inflicted “career suicide”. I have well over thirty years to devote to my career at this point, so I really don’t have FOMO. Promise. I don’t waste time crying myself to sleep over the job I could have had, mainly because I have so many other productive things to do with my time right now. Oh! Which reminds me, you have been wondering what I do all day? Here’s your answer!

I do everything you pay your childcare to do. I do everything you pay your cleaning lady to do. I have never paid anybody to come into my house and do a single thing. I get it done myself, because it’s my job to get shit done. More important to me than all of that – I am the only one who raised my kids. Nobody else ever tagged in. It was all me. I kissed every single boo-boo. I wiped every single tear. I was the only one to hold them every time they were scared, hurt or sick. I read all the stories, did all the puzzles and built all the legos. I potty trained them myself. I sleep trained them myself. I taught them how to count, write and read. I know exactly what nutrition they took in, how much activity they do and how much screen time they get. I manage their schedule and know the exact amount of time they napped, and the exact time they went to bed. Me. I was in charge of it all. Nobody else. And I’m damn proud of every single part of it. Scoff at that if you want to, but it won’t change my mind. If you can be proud of a successful and productive few years at your job, then why can’t I?

Every minute of this eight total years home with my kids will be worth all the financial and career sacrifices. I feel like these years of my kids’ lives were not something I ever wanted to miss. They were only little once. I’ll never, ever look back on this time of my life and think, “Man! I wish I had put those kids in daycare and gone to work!” I couldn’t imagine trusting somebody else to do as good of a job as me. I wanted it done my way, so I did it myself.

Does all  of this mean I think working parents are wrong? Am I any better at being a mom than anybody else?

HELL NO! Each family has the freedom to choose what is best for them. They can manage their own finances, their own careers and their own children. They make choices that benefit themselves and their families in whatever ways they see fit. So let’s stop weighing in on each other’s lives, because in the end what really matters is that everybody is happy and taken care of. MY choice wasn’t YOUR choice, and that’s perfectly okay.

Feminism is about equality. Feminism is about people having freedom to choose their own life, rather than anyone else making those choices for them. I had the freedom to make my choice. I agree with that man from the dinner party – My husband is a pretty lucky guy! Cody often tells me he appreciates everything I do, even on the days (ahem…every day….) he gets home to find me with unwashed hair in a messy bun and my painting sweats on. If he wants a cold beer, he gets it for himself because he happens to be a grown-ass man who understands when his wife is busy. I wasn’t forced into this life by anyone. I consciously thought it through and decided to stay home with my kids while they are little. This doesn’t make me less of a woman than anybody else.

Now let’s all go #dowork, whatever that work may be!










Happily Ever After

I have two daughters to raise. May the good Lord help me through this.

Here is the thing that is currently bugging the heck out of me while raising these two girls:

They both can’t wait to be “The Bride” at their weddings. (BARF!)

Cody and Kaitlyn 018
Look at my flower girls! The cutest in the land!

I blame myself for this. I actually walked in front of them as “The Bride” last year to marry their dad. They re-enact my own wedding every time we visit the park where I myself was once a bride. They play dress up, and fight over the white dress because they both want to be “The Bride.” They love any story involving a girl marrying a prince. They look at our wedding pictures at least once a week and coo, “Oh Mommy! You were beautiful in your dress!” They play wedding with their Barbies. (Ken really makes out in this wedding business. He has married Barbie and all her friends at least three times each. What a creepy bastard.) The words, “There is the bride! Doesn’t she look so beautiful?” have come out of my own mouth at every wedding we have ever attended. I am the one who is allowing, perhaps even encouraging, their perceptions of womanhood become skewed.

I admit there is something alluring about being “The Bride” to these little princess minds. Your prince charming (Or the man you end up settling for, depending how you look at it.) gets down on one knee in the middle of a crowded room and presents you with a diamond ring. You say yes, and people you don’t even know cheer and congratulate your life-long future happiness. Friends and family toast you and the groom at every engagement party, bridal shower, bachelor party, bachelorette party and rehearsal dinner from proposal to wedding. The entire guest list has to hear (multiple times) your love story of “how we found each other online” or “how we met in a bar in college.” You get to wear a dreamy dress while everybody looks at you with tears in their eyes and says, “Doesn’t she look soooo beautiful?”

You get to be the center of attention for an entire day. People watch you talk, eat, dance and drink like you are a celebrity. Not to mention the paparazzi-like photographers you paid thousands of dollars to follow you around and make you look damn near flawless in every picture. Once these pictures are in your hands, you will flood social media with them. Because everybody who wasn’t invited still needs to see how good you looked and how “in love” you are. Relatives gather from across the country for this event in your life, and probably won’t gather like that again until your funeral. IT IS THE HAPPIEST DAMN DAY OF YOUR LIFE. Every person you encounter will repeat it to you so many times it practically becomes your mantra.

Why are weddings so celebrated? Aren’t there other things in a girl’s life that are SO MUCH MORE worthy of celebration? Why are we so focused on finding a man and marrying him? And God forbid it if we dare dream otherwise!

I don’t want to crush my daughters’ childhood dreams, so I let the wedding play happen while I cringe inside. I don’t want to screw up their innocent views on the world. Every fairy tale they have ever heard ends with “they lived happily ever after.” At the end of the story, all princesses marry their prince. Why would the ending be any different for them?

Sadly, I know plenty of beautiful, talented, accomplished women who are living their lives thinking less of themselves, just because they are approaching their thirties without a serious boyfriend. Why does so much of our self-worth end up being attached to finding a guy to marry? Why can’t we still live happily ever after, while filing single on our tax return?

I have girlfriends who have put themselves through law school, but receive constant pressure from people to, “Just go out and find a nice guy so you can settle down.” Does nobody realize the sacrifices and hard work that go in to graduating with a law degree?! Not to mention the ladders they now will have to climb to make a name for themselves in that crazy, competitive world of law careers?! Shouldn’t ALL THAT be celebrated so much more than snagging a guy off Tinder and getting him to propose?!

I have friends in happy, committed relationships who have chosen (for their own, personal reasons!) not to marry or have kids. Yet it never fails, people still can’t help but comment, “Someday she will decide to get serious.” Apparently, their relationship can’t be taken seriously until they get on board with traditional society. We can’t all just appreciate a healthy, supportive and loving relationship unless it comes with a marriage certificate and baby carriage.

I want to stop teaching my little girls to aspire to marriage. I want to encourage my girls to become their own person, make their own educated choices and live their life how they choose. I will not allow society’s rules to cloud their own vision of what their life should be. If they are confident enough in themselves to walk off the beaten path, then I have succeeded. I have helped them to grow into the brave individuals who went out into the world and achieved their own dreams outside of what other people thought would be best for them.

So here is a crazy idea: Let’s look at marriage as a choice, rather than a necessity. Women can live happily ever after, with or without marriage vows. They can hold down jobs, buy houses and cars, and even raise children with or without a partner by their side. And maybe…Just maybe…they can be just as celebrated in these successes.

Let’s make the happiest days of our daughters’ lives the days they graduate high school, college and graduate school. Let’s celebrate them as they dance and sing on Broadway, create thought-provoking art and sell their first painting. Let’s celebrate the days they win the state tournament, get offered a scholarship and earn a starting spot on their sport’s team. Let’s celebrate the days they land their dream job, receive an awesome promotion and turn the key in the door of their first house. Let’s celebrate the day they become a parent, regardless of how that child was brought into their lives. Let’s celebrate when they find a person to love and walk through life with. If they decide to get married to that person along the way, then of course, we can celebrate that too.

But I absolutely refuse to discredit the rest of their life achievements based on their relationship status.

If we do this for our daughters, maybe they can show us how to find the real happily ever after.

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And we lived happily ever after….with a marriage certificate AND two lifetimes of personal achievements behind and still ahead of us!

Confessions of a Fantasy Football Housewife

Fantasy football.

The mortal enemy to wives everywhere. It makes our husbands essentially useless for 1 full day and 3 full evenings per week. It encourages gambling, smack talk, beer drinking and sports bar frequenting. If your husband is nice enough to avoid those shameful activities, then he is most likely zoned out on the couch at home with (at least) 2 tablets or laptop computers monitoring fantasycast and the TV tuned in to the most important game of the hour. Hey, at least he is home to help if you need it, right?

HA! Such bullshit. It annoyed me to no end.


There I was, in the throws of new motherhood, just trying my best to keep the infant and toddler alive. The house was looking acceptable at best, I was exhausted from getting up four times the previous night and my nipples were throbbing from this morning’s cluster-feeding. My toddler spilled her juice (for the second time) while simultaneously pooping her diaper mid-lunch. The infant was screaming to be fed yet again, (Are you kidding me?! How can she possibly be hungry?!) and it turns out I DON’T CARE IF IT’S NOON ON A SUNDAY IN SEPTEMBER! If he so much as checks his phone for football scores, I will file for divorce so fast the papers will be served by 1:00.

I didn’t used to be this way. We used to enjoy football together. We attended games and sports bars on Sundays. We celebrated big fantasy wins as a united front (His win was my win!) and watched games live instead of from the DVR. I even wore cute Bears apparel instead of spit-up-stained yoga pants.

I was a different girl before I became a mommy. Parenthood roared her sometimes ugly head, and turned me into a “momster.” How dare my husband care about something other than our children?! Those kids consumed every waking (and sleeping) minute of my life – so they damn well better consume his too. Nothing should be allowed to take away from someone’s shared responsibilities as a parent. It is definitely not fair to expect your wife to spend half her weekend working just as hard as she does during the week while you loaf around checking scores and ripping on your friends. Man up, husbands of America!

With that being said, I am going to let my fellow momsters in on a little secret:

Those years of Sunday Hell are limited! There is light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually your Sundays will be fun again. So turn your tired faces up to the autumn sky and let that cool sunshine fall upon them!

In a few short years your kids will be able to eat real food without assistance. They will be fully potty trained and sleeping through the night. They will even be capable of entertaining themselves for an hour or two. You will have time to get some laundry done and straighten the house before the games start at noon.

It will get better, and when it does, join a fantasy league.

I know what you are thinking, “Say what?! Start playing fantasy football? But I loathe fantasy football!” Girlfriend, you are wrong. You hate your husband playing fantasy football. YOU playing fantasy football, however, is amazing. Now you can care just as much about the games as your husband. You are going to have to take turns tending to the kids.

“Babe, don’t you hear Emmy screaming for a snack? I have Foster and Lacy both playing right now, so you better go take care of that.”


You get a little secret thrill when your team wins, because you did that. You researched your players and pulled an amazing second-stringer off the waiver wire as soon as his first-string counterpart was declared out for the season. You get to sit back and watch with pride when your quarterback throws touchdown receptions. Suddenly, all the games are important – not just the Chicago game. You have to keep an eye on your whole team. Thursday night? Bring on the hot wings and beer! Sunday? There will be chili in the crock pot all day! Monday night? Can I get a repeat on the hot wings and beer?! There are football games to watch, babe! Fantasy football brings marriages together – Unless it is the week you play each other, in which case I recommend declaring the kitchen as neutral territory, because the living room is a battlefield where shame is left at the door – Other than that week, your husband and you can cheer each other on during wins and support each other through some tough losses.

For example: There I was on a Sunday morning, projected to win 120 to 88. I swaggered into the living room at 11:55 AM, sat back and put up my feet, feeling confident and ready to soak in my impending, glorious victory. Suddenly, to my horror, I was watching in hopeless despair as both my best running back and quarterback went out in the first quarter with injuries. Then, choking back tears of frustration when I saw the final score for my defense was NEGATIVE FREAKING FIVE. That sealed the deal on this unforeseen loss. My quarterback, running back and defense combined scored me a whopping -1 points that day. My total score that week was 37 damn points. I am shuddering with embarrassment thinking about it: The worst loss ever recorded in fantasy football history. That was a bad time for me, but you know what? It just brought Cody and I closer. He was there to pat my back while gently murmuring, “It’s OK, babe. You can’t win ’em all. You can hit the waivers Tuesday morning and pick up some good replacements. Don’t worry. You can still make the playoffs with a couple losses under your belt. Here you go, have a glass of red. I’ll order pizza for dinner.”

I felt so much better after that. He really knows what to do to cheer me up. I just love him.

Sooooo, momsters…..Are you still hating on fantasy football??? Didn’t think so. Go ahead. Join a league. Fulfill your competitive needs. High five your husband as you bask in your hard-earned victories and come together as a couple in your losses. You never know, you might even win some cash in the end.

(Photo: found on via

Cash you can use to buy a new football Sunday outfit that doesn’t have spit-up stains on it. Ahhhh. Sweet victory.

Ten Things Only Chicago Fans Who Married Detroit Fans Will Understand

Photo by Michelle Goeppner
Photo by Michelle Goeppner

I am a Chicago girl at heart. I just love this city. I had to move away from it for a few years in college, and it pained me to be so far away. I moved back ASAP! I grew up in the southwest suburbs, and like any respectable south side father would, my dad raised us to be loyal White Sox, Bears, Bulls and Blackhawks fans. My Uncle Matt chipped in, and would regularly quiz my cousins, brothers and me as kids:


  • Q: Who is the best basketball player to ever live? A: Michael Jordan
  • Q: Who is Da Coach? A: Mike Ditka
  • Q: What was the best year ever recorded in football history? A: 1985
  • Q: Who will always get booed? A: The Cubs, The Packers and any team from Detroit

We were also taught to proudly sing the following songs:

I grew up to attend many a Blackhawks, Bears, Bulls and Sox game. Real life encounters with superfans is a daily occurrence in Chicagoland. Where else can you walk through the grocery store in a Blackhawks T-shirt and receive multiple high fives from fellow shoppers? There is no feeling quite like drinking a toast to Ditka with strangers at a tailgate. Nobody in this city is ever going to let go of saying “DA BEARS” and “DITKA” and “DA BULLS” – and in my opinion, it is glorious.

This stuff will always inspire happiness in my soul – And if that doesn’t sum up the extent of our South Side Chicago brainwashing – I don’t know what else will. So I am going move forward with this post and assume you get the picture.

As a born and bred Chicago fan I have done the unthinkable:

I married a Detroit fan.

I don’t even know what possessed me, but it is too late to turn back now. We are a household divided. If you also live in such a home, you will understand. So this one’s for you, my fellow cross-breeders!

Ten Things Only Chicago Fans Who Married Detroit Fans Will Understand:

1. Your spouse despises all the songs posted above, and mocks them constantly. Especially when Chicago is losing.

Nothing gets your blood boiling like your beloved’s rendition of “Suck it, Suck it White Sox”. Nothing.

2. They can’t stand your happiness when the Blackhawks are YET AGAIN playing to bring Lord Stanley home.

They mutter the words “nobody cares” every time the playoff highlights are on the news. They aggressively turn off the car radio when “Chelsea Dagger” starts playing. They will even go out of their way to change the channel “accidentally” during the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Jealous much?

3. Every time you talk about the Bears winning the Superbowl, the love of your life asks you how long ago 1985 was.


4. They pretend like it is a fun family rivalry, while secretly brainwashing your children with blasphemy the minute your back is turned.

My 4-year-old child: “Go Tigers, Mommy! Daddy says you are going to be devastated when the White Sox lose. I will be happy though, because me and Dad cheer for the Tigers now.”

Me: “Oh sweet pea, you got mixed up. You really mean Go Go White Sox! RIGHT?! WHITE SOX!!!” (WTF?! Where the Hell is her father? He will burn for this. Burn.)

5. They declare war on the entire city of Chicago when their team is in town.

Some examples: Running into sports bars shamelessly wearing a Lions away jersey. Randomly yelling “DETROIT!” while walking the streets. Frantically texting buddies back home about how much Chicago fans suck. Getting carried away and telling Chicago fans how much they suck to their face, and then having to be saved from imminent death by their wife who is (luckily) a Chicago fan.

6. They desperately cling to Detroit sports memorabilia, and try to sneak that crap into the nice, Chicagoland home you share.

Over my dead body will he mount that Detroit sign in the living room. And why does this Tigers blanket keep ending up on the couch when I have put that stupid thing away like twenty times?! GOD DAMN IT, CODY! For the hundredth time: NO! The dancing Lions man absolutely CANNOT live on our bedside table!

7. They tell anyone who will listen that Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” is actually a Detroit song.

Maybe it was….Before 2005. Sorry, Michigan. Did we ever tell you about the time the White Sox won the World series?

8. When they see other Detroit fans in Chicago they get way too excited.

My husband almost crashed the car on the Stevenson. He cut across 2 lanes of traffic and endangered the lives of his wife and children. Why? So he could drive next to “his allies” – a.k.a. random dudes in another car wearing Detroit hats.

9. No matter how cute your kids are, they just look like crap in Detroit gear.

Sure, the girls can wear their Redwings T-shirts today. Around the house. For the hour that you are home from work. No pictures.

10. They begrudgingly admit Michael Jordan was awesome, despite the fact that he played for the Bulls.

Thank God I didn’t marry a complete imbecile.

We may be a household divided, but I love my husband despite his obvious flaws…

Until the next White Sox vs. Tigers series, that is.

Love conquers all, right?